Yemi Marie (@YemiMarie) – Saturday


Chicago teen singer Yemi Marie already is demonstrating that she has the talent and determination it takes to conquer the world of entertainment – and win the hearts of music lovers. The 16-year-old makes her debut with the CD 12/11/12 (Prize Music), which was inspired by her goal to finish her first album at the age of 15. The disc, which boasts a blend of mature vocalized R&B along with a youthful, upbeat hip-hop-infused style, has launched Yemi Marie into the hearts of music lovers of all ages while setting her apart from her teen peers.

On her first music video and single, “Draw the Line,” Yemi draws it down by offering a unique perspective of a strong independent young woman who encourages listeners to make positive decisions. On “Old Fashioned Love,” she offers a lyrical ballad that shares the endearing magic of a special relationship. The breezy “Saturday” is a fresh, throbbing beat with an uplifting lyrical melody. Yemi Marie’s music is not solely an urban sound, but a blend of rhythmic soul melded from various genres of musical influences.