Butter (@that_boy_butter) – “Marigolds”

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Butter is Bringing Back Good Music, One Dope Instrumental At a Time
When you think of good music to match good times and good vibes, thoughts of nostalgia from the 90’s and early 2000’s might come to mind. While it might get a little boring listening to the same old songs everyday, don’t worry because Boston, MA native and Berklee College Of Music-trained pianist, Butter has got you covered.
When he’s not killing it at his day job at Facebook, Butter is making a name for himself on the scene as a Hip Hop producer, pushing instrumental Hip Hop to new heights. His new single, “six two seven” is no different. Coming with smooth sounds, courtesy of complex keys and thoughtfulness, “six two seven” is that perfect vibe out track, sparking nostalgia with a light yet sentimental tone. Although it only clocks in at 1 minute and 26 seconds, the short and sweet record packs a punch, especially while put on loop.
On a mission of bringing back real music with substance, Butter’s work packs plenty of vibes, as evidenced by his growing fanbase of 1000s of loyal fans. Humble, talented and blessed with the drive to succeed, it won’t be soon before long Butter is a household name. Check in with “six two seven”, plus his previous releases on SoundCloud and stay tuned for more from Hip Hop’s future: Butter!