Raining out of Miami Florida, then later moved to Orlando Florida, where he fell in love with music, thanks to his mother and father who owned a very well known Haitian radio station back in the early 2000s. Story has a remarkable style that attracts many ears. Story has a passion for rap/r&b music. In his new single Story teams up with singer/songwriter Tiffany Hylton to help get his point across in a song that references infatuation between a man and a woman. Story who makes his debut with the new single Drugs, originally uploaded the song on the popular music streaming giant Soundcloud to showcase his music worldwide. Teaming up with producer RDY, Story and Tiffany Hylton were able to deliver a solid r&b/hip-hop single with great potential.

Twitter: TveStory
I.G: Tvestory
SC: Shelovestory
