3rd Twin (@Gemini_3rd_Twin) – Honesty

Thorn City Syndicate Presents: 3rd Twin “History in the Making”

3rd Twin a 20yr rap veteran has done it all from winning rap battles to being signed to a major label. Recognized for remarkable word play & powerful punchlines he became known as the best lyricist in his town. His single “Honesty” has generated buzz on the internet & has the city of Portland anticipating his long over due solo project “HIT’M”. Thorn City Syndicate has an agreement w/Miami based Upscale Advertising Agency Art Deco Images to represent their New Music Store 2 the Future which uses interactive Go Green Technology point of purchase codes to promote the company & its artists, it turns non-traditional spaces into retail stores & CD shops. Also Thorn City Syndicate has partnered with Matrix Media Group NW & secured a video distribution deal for 3rd Twin w/brand new startup tech company Revohloo Studios where fans can create 256 versions of 1 music video, be on the lookout for 3rd Twin Honesty revohloos at www.revohloo.com. For everything 3rd Twin visit www.3rdtwin.com

3rd Twin’s single “Honesty” has generated buzz on the internet & has the city of Portland anticipating his long over due solo project “HIT’M”. For everything 3rd Twin visit www.3rdtwin.com

