Ben Gwualla (@bengwualla) ft. Nature – Crazy

What’s up world it’s Ben Gwualla..STOP WHAT YOURE DOING AND GO CHECK OUT CRAZY BY ME AND NATURE..ITS A VERY HOT TRACK..BREATHE TAKING. I’m also the main Artist out of the new TRAP$TAR click. I’m here to let you know we are here to give you a new sound to the music industry what we know as trap music.I must say we are very talented and are looking forward to working with new people signed or unsigned. The ideal that we have is to step out of the box to create changes in our lives in a so much positive way, so that we can be an asset to the less fortune in our community. They got our backs in holding us down and we have their backs by bringing them up and keeping them full of hopes. So if your ready then let’s begin. . TRAP$TAR ENT WE BEEN ON BUT UP NEXT