HBrand Music Presents Jimi from Brooklyn (@Jimi_LS90) – 10pm (Prod. by Uninamise)

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Jimi, born Jamal Steven Budd, was born on June 2nd 1990 in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was given the nickname Jimi by his grandfather who was a longtime Jimi Hendrix fan because of the frizzy Afro he wore as a kid and would eventually represent his talent as a musician. Jimi was raised by his mother after his father abandoned the family when he was 6. He was first introduced to hip hop after spending time with his uncle in Brooklyn who was a huge fan of Notorious B.I.G. Jimi started putting his own raps together when he was 14 years old where he would battle classmates and kids in his neighborhood.

Jimi used music as an outlet and a way to cope with the hard times in his life. When he was 14 he lost his close cousin to cancer and that hit him hard. He was a role model to Jimi and losing him was like losing his best friend. He turned to music as an outlet and a way to cope. At that point he realized if he would get through these hard times, it would be through music.

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Follow Jimi from Brooklyn
Instagram: @Jimi_LS90