Kamos & Tripbuk (@KamosandTripbuk) – Andromedan EP


Kamos & Tripbuk, A duo from the UK have been winning fans with their unique blend of hiphop and dubstep. With their forthcoming single being supported by the highest echelon of bass lords and BBC Radio 1, they are giving away their “Andromedan EP” (the one that “put them on the map” so to speak).

Do you like dubstep, glitch hop, hip hop, gut wrenching lyrics and foul language?
Then get the “Andromedan EP” for FREE, NOW!

LISTEN HERE: https://soundcloud.com/kamos-tripbuk
FREE DOWNLOAD HERE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/KamosTripbuk/163471457043478?id=163471457043478&sk=app_220150904689418