PoPolitickin Artist Spotlight feat. Boneface (@Bonefaceink @PoPolitickin)

Words best-fitted in describing the personal and lyrical journey of Anwon The Boneface Johnson. Born November 7, 1982, The Boneface grew up in Pensacolas infamous Escambia Arms Projects (aka 3/2 or EA) with the rest of his mothers ten children. His tough-as-nails upbringing and his baptism by fire at an early age helped him build inner character that would help him overcome many hurdles later on. We were packed in the house like sardines. We had an oven for a heater. My moms and pops ran the streets, he recalls. We basically raised ourselves. It felt like it just made us stronger. His never-give-up mentality allowed him to become the first of his siblings to actually graduate high school within four years. Never trying to shake his harsh past, but always trying to build a bigger and better future for himself, he used his schoolhouse intellect to cultivate his lyrical hobby. Initially going by the name Venile, he embarked on a journey with no idea of where it would take him.He was awarded a basketball scholarship to a small community college in Selma, Alabama and did his best to focus on his athleticism as his road to success. But due to financial reasons, he had to go back home to Pensacola. He began hustling and not just drugs and paraphernalia, he realized he had several talents and used every single one of them to make ends meet.


