Prissy G (@IAMPRISSYG) – Yellow Tape


The songstress known as Prissy G takes it to the streets with her latest single “Yellow Tape”. Although entitled “Yellow Tape” the word that lingers for hours after listening is her belting the word “Blow”. She tackles issues facing many communities in Jamaica and relatively around the globe.

This lady has such a huge voice and flawlessly manoeuvres through her lyrics with her “sing-jay” style. There is no debate that this track will touch the hearts of many even if they cannot relate. The imagery is so vivid; her team assures the video is soon to follow. All of her videos are also done in-house by SSMC Media Productions.

The track was produced under her label, Cotton Tree Records. They’ve set the bar pretty high with this track and are prepared to show the world their bountiful talents. “It’s only the beginning of something great”, said engineer specialist Dario Magix.