Sarantos (@sarantosmelogia) – A child’s mind

Sarantos Releases his best reviewed pop melody to date called “A Child’s Mind” which is a Potent Song About How Innocent and Creative A Child’s Mind Can Truly Be.

Most people remember their childhood fondly. It is a simple time in one’s life when there are no limits. Imagine and remember a time when the days were care-free. The nights were full of stars and mystery. One’s imagination ran wild at the slightest provocation. Childhood is a time usually spent growing up while learning within the comfort of one’s family. However, not everyone has that chance. Some children grow up in abusive environments. Some children grow up without enough food and are often hungry or malnourished. That is an injustice.

The truth can set you free but it can also make the real world a cold and bitter place. For some, childhood memories are forgotten as one moves on to the adult world where creativity is not fostered. Uniqueness is not always encouraged or nourished. Conformity is the goal. It is not uncommon to live many adult years and then come to the realization that one feels lost and not as comfortable as one was during the childhood years. Growing up is common but there should never be a sacrifice of that part of one’s mind that wants to be a child. There is a part of our minds that need to be a child. A child’s mind is innocent, bursts with potential and is full of limitless possibilities. Sarantos feels that we should retain a part of our child’s mind until the day we die. It is necessary to help us get thru each and every day as well as complete our journey on this simple planet. Yes, humans mature and age but elements of a child’s mind should be retained.

“This music is a slow pop melody about how innocent and pure a child’s mind truly is,” says Sarantos. “He remembers being a child and misses feeling a bit wild…I think we’ve all at some point missed being a child to a certain degree. Only once upon a time were we truly young and free. However, I don’t personally believe children should ever be hungry or malnourished and it is such a shame that this still happens in our world today. With how far we have come as a species in such a short time, it’s just not right for a child to be hungry and not enjoy his childhood. It just breaks my heart!”

33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to Feed My Starving Children.

Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and they ship these meals to nearly 70 countries around the world. Sarantos even participated in one of these packing sessions on a cold Chicago night last month!

Sarantos’ music has received rave reviews, and he relishes this chance to pursue his life long dream. Sarantos’ unique sound has been best described by industry insiders as “an emotionally powerful vocal style masterfully united with music that is a fusion of classic 80s rock blended with modern soft rock and pop music.”

Sarantos was nominated in 2014 for 2 awards for the 2014 International Music & Entertainments Awards, for the categories of “Rock Song of the Year” and “Pop Album of the Year.”

With recorded hits and new tunes waiting to be released every single month until the day he dies, Sarantos’ music screams success and stimulates an overdue conversation in the changing music industry. Sarantos’ loyal music fans continue to show their support by proudly showing off Sarantos merchandise and staying tuned into Sarantos’ daily down-to-earth and very real social media revelations. His songs are being broadcast every day on various radios stations around the world. Sarantos continues to do interviews around the world every single week and fans can listen in to some of them on his YouTube page. Let’s not forget his funny, sarcastic, witty and genuine music videos that leave his fans not knowing what to expect next.

There will be plenty of continued buzz throughout the year as Sarantos strives to release something for his fans every single week. Every year until the day he dies, Sarantos will release a new song on the 1st Tuesday of every month, a new music video on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, a chapter from his fiction/fantasy book on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, and a new Whiteboard video on the 4th Tuesday of every month. A new CD will then be released every November.

Sarantos has been writing lyrics since 4th grade and is passionate about the words he puts to the music. Music was always in his blood. Music was always a passion and much more than a hobby. Sarantos has written over 2,000 songs. Having undergone several personal challenges with Sarantos’ father passing away four years ago after a long hard-fought battle with lung cancer, dealing with personal health issues like asthma and allergies which affected his singing style, going thru life’s ups and downs, the timing was finally right. And so it began. Sarantos’ main motivation remains, however, to raise money for charity.

33% of any music related sales are going straight to charity.

Sarantos has always been inclined to help people in need and is proud to launch his music as a way to donate a portion of proceeds to charity, hopefully inspiring other artists to do the same. Just a few of the charities chosen so far include the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, Make-a-Wish Foundation, American Heart Association, St Jude’s, Hellenic Academy, American Red Cross, Salvaton Army, Children’s Hospital of Chicago…

The website, Melogia (which in Greek means “with words”) was established by Sarantos, an aspiring singer and song writer.

*Because Sarantos wants his music shared throughout the world, fans can always find all of his songs, lyric sheets, videos and books on his website for free at He openly gives everyone the right to share his song mp3s for free with anyone they want via email or any of the social media platforms.

Sarantos Mission or Goal:

“My goal when you listen to one of my songs is very simple. I want you to feel the need to:
-Dance or move to the groove
-Play the song over and over again”


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