Editorial Picks

J.U (@JU10257876) – “Take Me Away”

J.U – Take Me Away. Used Vocaloid for singing, create this song and lyrics by alone. “1 Do Brasil Music” (Label) shared this song on their channel.



Almost Owen (@almostowenmusic) – “We Out Here”

Pop singer, writer, and producer ALMOST OWEN announces the release of WE OUT HERE. Meant to be blasted at beaches and backyard barbecues, this rowdy summer banger is available worldwide on July 23.

ALMOST OWEN describes WE OUT HERE as “a song about being king (or queen) of your castle… even if that ‘castle’ is just your parents basement.” It’s a millennial anthem, a balls out braggadocious tribute to debauchery and straight-up ridiculousness.
It’s the song playing full blast the first time you steal your dad’s convertible, the one that makes you feel like a millionaire even if you’ve only got $12 in your pocket.

WE OUT HERE is the follow up to ALMOST OWEN’s previous singles, ONE LUCKY MAN and ONE IN A MILLION, which have garnered roughly 250,000 streams since their release earlier this summer. Mixed by legendary engineer Dave Pensado (Michael Jackson, Beyonce), WE OUT HERE is the summer song you’ll be listening to long after the summer is over.




YTN TrapWay x AMG TWIN2x – “Trap Monopoly” (Video) @Trapway336 @TrillestEnt

YTN TrapWay and AMG TWIN2x deliver the Trap Monopoly official video, shot by Ant Films.


“YNT Mixtape”

Twitter: Trapway336 / TrillestEnt

Sufemyr – Akuras

This song is an experimental astral psychedelic song that will take you to another dimension.


Breakaway: The Mini Web Series (@dantehillmedo)

Check out Breakaway: The Mini Web Series. Breakaway about a man fresh out of jail trying to escape a life of crime but his past won’t let him be!

IG – @DanteFilmz


Sin City Cairo – “Yallam Bina” (Video) (@SinCityCairo‬ @TrillestEnt)

Sin City Cairo hit us with a Classic West Coast Vibe and a New School Hip Hop Style that LA is known for. This Las Vegas native Currently living in LA invents a new sub genre of Hip Hop. Yallam Bina is a west coast banger with a hint of Arabic flavor, sure to catch ears in America as well as the Middle East this song bring a whole new vibe to Hip Hop, English/Arabic rap.

Twitter: SinCityCairo‬ // TrillestEnt

V Cha$e – “D.T.R” (Deeper Then Rap) Freestyle (@VinnyCHASEnyc @TrillestEnt)

Brand new V Cha$e entitled “D.T.R” (Deeper Then Rap) Freestyle.

Twitter: VinnyCHASEnyc // TrillestEnt

Rula (@504rula) ft. JayArson (@_jayarson) & Y.Luck (@YLUCK7) – “Call Them People for Me” (Video)

Brand new music video from Rula ft. JayArson & Y.Luck entitled “Call Them People for Me”.

Social: 1rula // _JAYARSON // YLUCK7

Kapital Ifex (@IfexKapital) – “Awe”

The song is about the hard work and hustle of a fast growing Nigerian afropop artist, who come from a poor background and a poor environment but he never gives up. He is still pushing forward no matter the struggles and challenges because he wants his song and message to be heard worldwide.

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/kapitalifex1/
Website – https://kapitalifexmusic.weebly.com/
Soundcloud – https://m.soundcloud.com/user-236402476/awe

Dutty Devioso (@duttydevioso) – DV Is The IV (Video)

DV Is The IV – Dutty Is Injecting Substance Back Into Hip-Hop Music.

Artist Website: www.duttydevioso.com
Twitter: @duttydevioso
Instagram: @duttydevioso
Video Link: https://youtu.be/kUtbdJ34Fgo